Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

Bimbingan Kelompok dengan Teknik Regulasi diri

Group guidance services with self-regulation technique to improve student learning motivation in Junior High School (JHS)
This study aims at: determining students motivation before being given a group guidance with self-regulation technique, determining students' motivation after being given a group counseling with self-regulation technique, generating a model of group counseling with self-regulation technique to improve motivation of learning, determining the effectiveness of group counseling with self-regulation techniques to improve students motivation at JHS of 13 Semarang State. This study used  research and development (R & D) method; Students’ motivation increased after they follow the activities of  the group with self-regulation techniques. Therefore, it proves to be effective to increase students’ motivation, which is indicated by changes in student motivation before and after being given a treatment. The conclusions and recommendations of the study are: Students’ motivation after being given guidance service group with self-regulation technique is categorized medium and high categories; it is found that a design of a model of group guidance with self-regulation techniques are able to improve students' motivation, the model is effective to improve students’ motivation.
Key words: Group guidance, self-regulation, learning motivation.


Pranoto, H., Atieka, N., Wihardjo, S. D., Wibowo, A., & Nurlaila, S. (2016). Group guidance services with self-regulation technique to improve student learning motivation in Junior High School (JHS). Educational Research and Reviews, 11(24), 2146-2154.

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